For several months, many households have benefited from the exceptionally low interest rates offered by credit institutions for real estate projects.
A few months ago, we were reviewing the December 2016 interest rates, which had become very attractive.
The BCL (Banque Centrale du Luxembourg) did a new review on the interest rates offered to households in April 2017:
- Variable interest rate for mortgage loans was 1.63%
- Whereas fixed interest rate was fixed on average at 1.81%.
In comparison to December rates, variable rate has hardly moved (1.65%) and remains very attractive for households that have contracted this type of loan.
As for the fixed rate, it rose from 1.67% on average in December against 1.81% in April, with an increase of 8.4%. This is a very attractive rate compared with the interest rates that were offered several years ago.
If you are looking for a new home, then it is still time to buy one at a competitive rate!
Find out more now on IMMOTOP.LU:
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