Blog inmobiliario

Become an expatriate in the Grand Duchy in total peace of mind!

20 de septiembre de 2017

All summer long, we have reported on all the rules and tips you need to know about if you want to live in Luxembourg.

If you missed our reports, you can find the expatriate guides below and discover the information you need.

All you need to know for your future home:

You have just arrived; what declarations to you need to make?
Living in Luxembourg; how and where to find your accommodation:
Be reassured and up to date with regard to the country’s standards:
The little extras to know about concerning your arrival in the country:
You are now ready to become the perfect expatriate in Luxembourg.

If you have further questions about Luxembourg life, please visit the government website.

Other recent articles:
TOP 10 of the most expensive cities for real estate investment!
Expat guide : Learn to speak Luxembourgish
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Expat guide - Back-to-school in Luxembourg: enroll your child
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