Blog immobiliare

A new subsidy to create a second dwelling unit at home

14 gennaio 2022

Desperate times call for desperate measures: in order to combat the housing shortage in Luxembourg, the Minister of Housing Henri Kox proposed the idea of a subsidy promoting the creation of new dwellings within existing properties. This fixed subsidy of €10,000 is part of the reform of housing assistance expected in 2023.

In concrete terms, owners will be able to build or develop a second dwelling unit on part of their land or within their home. In exchange, and independently of the cost involved in this work, the Government will pay them a subsidy of €10,000. This subsidy is intended to be flexible in order to respond quickly to the housing crisis.

Thus, there are few expected constraints for all those who would like to embark on this work. A few basic prerequisites must be met by the owners: obtain a “construction” or “building” permit, stay in one of the two dwellings and create a salubrious dwelling with a separate entrance comprising at least 1 bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, WCs, and a living room.

Faced with this challenge and in order to house as many residents as possible quickly, Tiny houses, these completely optimized little houses, could be one of the solutions best suited to the future needs of owners.

Check out our article on Tiny houses: read the article

Check out our article on property tax reform: read the article