Blog immobiliare

Financial aid to encourage energy renovation

3 novembre 2017

Since January 1, 2017, owners of new or existing home who intent to renovate their property can benefit from expert advice in energy renovation free of charge.

This measure, part of the "Climate Bank and Sustainable Housing" policy, was put into place by Housing Minister Marc Hansen in early 2017, and has already been used by nearly 1,000 homes.

If you want to make your home more energy-efficient, you'll also be saving a lot financially.

This financial aid is split into four tools:

  • "PRIMe House" is a subsidy with an amount that depends on the type of home and energy renovation being done.
  • Setting up a system of sustainability certification for new homes.

The low-rate climate loan and the zero-rate climate loan. Valid for homes that are at least ten years old, this measure involves creating a "climate bank," a pet project for the Democratic party.

First, the zero-rate climate loan is meant for low-income households, where the government will directly cover any fees involved in energy consulting services. Also, this loan is guaranteed by the state, and cannot exceed 50,000 euros over a period of 15 years.

As for the low-rate climate loan, this is meant for any person or company that owns a home older than 10 years old in Luxembourg. It is limited to 100,000 euros per home over a period of 15 years.

  • The creation of a single office for all housing aid.

So, if you want to improve the energy performance of your home, you now know that there are a few tools that will help with this investment.

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