Blog immobiliare

Real estate advertisements in Luxembourg: which grade of energy performance?

17 marzo 2017

Since January 1, 2010, the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) must be mentioned on all residential real estate advertisements in Luxembourg, whether it is for sale or for rent.

7 years later, where are we?

To date, our real estate portal offers 13,576 residential real estate advertisements in Luxembourg (apartments, houses, residences and investment properties). Out of this total, 9,254 advertisements specify an energy rating (ranging from A to I, A offering very good performance and I offering poor performance), which is 68% of real estate offers.

If we compare the result by type of transactions, 74.5% of advertisements for sale specify an energy category against 42% of advertisements for rent.

Out of the 9,254 real estate advertisements that specify a rating, 1,727 have an energy rating of E to I, which is almost 19% of the total. It is 17% for sale and 33% for rent. Therefore, there’s still 81% of residential advertisements with an energy rating that is classified from A to D, and therefore offering good to very good performance for housing, environment and sustainable development.

And on new properties?

Since January 1, 2017, all new residential constructions must apply very low energy consumption.
A ratings for energy performance and thermal insulation categories are required (except for certain conditions).

On IMMOTOP.LU, today 6,401 new homes in Luxembourg that have an energy rating are recorded. Out of these 6,400, 4,483 have an A rating in energy performance category, which is 70% of new properties all combined. And this is especially true for new sales, which is 72.6% against 24.2% of rentals.

And if we search for new homes that offer an energy performance category AND a thermal insulation category of A grade, there’s 36% of new homes (which have a rating), with 37% for sale and 14.7% for rent.

If things go in the right direction, there are still things that needs to be improved, both that require displaying CPE ratings from A to I, and optimizing energy performance of housing in Luxembourg.

Do you want to know the real estate advertisements with good energy performance?

On IMMOTOP.LU, do your search and filter the results using advanced options.

Your feedback:
When searching for a new home, are you sensitive to energy ratings? Is it a selection criterion for you? To what extent (in terms of ratings) do you consider housing to be acceptable? Tell us in the comments or on our Facebook page.

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