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Everything you need to know about renovating or transforming your home!

25 октября 2017 г.

Are you currently a owner of property in Luxembourg but you want to make a few changes to it to bring up to date?

Whether it's just a transformation, renovation or extension to the living space of your home, there are several conditions and benefits you need to know so you can undertake your construction work legally and safely.

Before beginning your renovation work, if it has to do with building or extending the home, you'll need to file a request for authorization, also called a "building authorization" or "building permit." This request must be sent to the administration of the town where the property in question is built.

Depending on the type of renovation you want to do, interior or exterior or even the façade, the conditions may change. You can contact the Order of Architects and Engineer Advisers (Ordre des Architectes et des Ingénieurs-Conseils) in Luxembourg City, or even the relevant city administration for any additional information about your personal project.

State assistance in Luxembourg

There are certain types of direct aid as capital that you can get if you want to renovate or transform your home.

If your house or apartment is old and needs to be renovated for reasons of safety, to improve living or health conditions, you can get a home improvement bonus corresponding to a portion of the cost of works performed, depending on your income and marital status.
Contact the Ministry of Housing at the "Single window for housing assistance" for more information.

More generally speaking, if your renovation work has to do with improving energy performance or even special layouts for those with disabilities, you can also get aid from the state.

Finally, for any construction or renovation project, you can enjoy tax benefits and deductions of debt interests or even ask for reimbursement of the VAT. You can find more information on this subject on the website of the Government of Luxembourg, under Housing - Renovation/Transformation.

If you're currently looking for an older home where you can do renovation work, check all our listings on IMMOTOP.LU and find the property that's right for you.

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